You’ll need to slowly add more weight as you level up your strength due to being able to carry more. All this weight here cannot be lost, and combine it with a normal gear set, and you’ll reach 35KG (at level 0 strength) very easily. And if that’s not enough, make a ‘dumbbell’ and fully kit out a TRAX handguard for an additional 3.2KG. Equip a Freeman Crowbar for an extra 1.9KG.
#Eft postman pat full
You can fill a Documents Case full of SAS Drives and immediately have 5,5KG on you in two slots. A one-time investment to buy weights to put into your secure container is all you need. Without spending hours on your own trying to cheese strength, you can passively do it while playing regularly. all the while you unlock new grenade throw options (i.e from the blue container all the way by marked room on dorms, customs). The high speed makes you an incredibly hard target to spot or even attempt to hit. There are few people who have experience fighting against someone with maxed-out strength, and thus are unable to factor in for the new movement options and the fast rotation times. The combat benefits of having a high strength skill are massive. Especially useful for hiding gear of dead teammates. You’ll begin making hard jumps easier, and eventually open whole new paths i.e being able to jump over head-high fences or be able to jump straight from tankers into factory without going to gate or ZB-1012. If you’re well attuned to your movement, then you definitely will feel a significant change. If you’ve never trained your skills, you might mistakenly believe that a 1% boost per level is negligible, but train your strength and watch for the moment when you level up. At elite level, only the right side of your inventory actually counts to your weight. Melee damage: Surprisingly this will do more melee damage on each hit, with a chance of criticals at the elite level.Sprint speed: because you move faster, you get to cover more ground and you become a much harder target to hit.