The removal of the old spotting mechanic creates more game play options. PTO is more important in this title because winning objectives is the main source of ammo and heals. The team revive is a great addition and feels great playing with your squad mates as they tend to stick together more in this title. The gun play is skill based and feels right straight up, more so than in the previous title BF1 and I imagine this is the major cause of the salt. The game is great and the best in the franchise to date IMO. Stop trying to decrease a player base in the game in which most people will enjoy and if they listen to you idiots out there, they may not have the pleasant experience of being involved.
Battlefield v images plus#
(how do people not know this **** Plus there were female soldiers in pretty much every major conflict and if someone wants the option (which it is) to play as a female then why shouldn't they! Go watch a documentary or read something if you what to learn about the war. Sounds fun? If not stop whining about the facts and just play a game because that is want it is, a game set loosely on historical fact, oh and BTW if the game had "Nazi" material in it the game wouldn't fly in German these days ethier. If you want a true WW2 simulator the odds are you would spawn in as a Russian or Chinese civilian running around trying not to be murdered, die of disease and/or famine at the hands of the Japanese or the German forces.

If you Wow the salt is real.!!! Really a score of 0? People want a realist World War 2 experience? By playing a video game? WTF.

Wow the salt is real.!!! Really a score of 0? People want a realist World War 2 experience? By playing a video game? WTF.